Gronest®'s cutting-edge technology and proprietary "Aqua Breathe" design have created the ultimate growing container solution. Our geotextile material perfectly balances durability, aeration, and moisture retention, ensuring your plants receive optimal growing conditions.

  • Gronest Aqua Breathe layer for fabric pots
  • Gronest Aqua Breathe Layer for fabric pots

Precise Water Drainage: The innovative "Aqua Breathe" technology in Gronest® fabric pots allows for precise water drainage, releasing it only at the base. This helps to create optimal growing conditions for your plants.


Continuous Aeration: The "Aqua Breathe" layer ensures your plants' roots receive essential oxygen, promoting strong and healthy growth through continuous aeration.


Stain-Free Exterior: The specially designed filter layer helps keep the pot cleaner for longer. While it maintains a better appearance than pots without this layer, some staining may still occur over time.


Enhanced Durability: The "Aqua Breathe" technology provides added strength and durability to the pot, ensuring long-lasting use.

With its innovative "Aqua Breathe" technology, Gronest® fabric pots offer numerous benefits over traditional plastic pots. The specialized layer ensures optimal aeration and moisture retention, leading to enhanced plant growth and overall health.

Additionally, the reduction in watering needs makes these pots a convenient option for gardeners and cultivators alike. Invest in the power of Aqua Breathe technology and elevate your growing experience with Gronest® fabric pots.